Are your models full time escorts?
No. All models participating with our agency enjoy private careers in such areas as Modeling, Promotions, Information Technology, Healthcare, Office management, and/or continuing their academic studies.
Is it safe to pay with my credit card?
We fully insure our clients security and confidentiality. Payments are not reflected in the statements of your actual credit card as Escorts RD
What are my responsibilities during the appointment with my guest?
First, he/she is your guest and has come to meet you so that you both can enjoy time together. Second, treat him/ her as you would treat any other special guest…with respect and consideration at all times. Third, assuming you want him/her to stay with you for the length of the appointment…show and behave with class.
Your escort model goes to great lengths to prepare herself for your date, so she expects you to be polite, charming and “clean”. Please pay particular attention to your hygiene and presentation, as you would for any date.
When your model mentions finalizing the payment or settling the account for his/her time, please give him/her the cash or credit card for final confirmation procedure with our agency. If you have arranged and have paid completely through the agency prior to the appointment, there is no reason to provide a credit card or cash to the model. IMPORTANT…please avoid asking personal and invasive questions about the models private life. Any disrespectful conversation will be uncomfortable. Please avoid embarrassing her by asking her to meet with you privately outside of agency appointments or asking for her phone number. If you choose to proceed against our explicit request, Secretescortsdr will assume no responsibility, problems, or consequences that arise from such a decision…including being banned from using our agency in the future.
I need to cancel my appointment; how should I proceed?
We require no less than a 72-hour notice. If you have made a pre-payment, your funds will be held in credit for six (6) months, during which time you are welcome to book the model again, assuming she is available. If she is not available, your pre-payment may be used for another agency model. Your ability to use your pre-payment in this manner will expire if they are not used within a six (6) month period. IMPORTANT…IF YOU DO NOT GIVE 72 HOUR NOTICE OF CANCELLATION, your entire prepayment will be forfeit and there will be no credit or refund given. FURTHER…In the event you cancel an appointment without the required 72-hour notice AND the model has made preparations to be with you, YOU MUST pay her transport and an accommodation fee of one hour of her time for the inconvenience you caused. If you choose not to do that, you will not be permitted to work with the agency in the future.
For how long can the model stay with me?
There is no limitation on time but will depend entirely on the models schedule. Remember, each model has different life obligations, which will dictate the length of time they can stay in an appointment. You have our assurance to attempt to help you receive the total amount of time you desire to be with the model of your choice.
What additional travel expenses may there be?
If you invite a model to be your guest outside of his/her home town, his/her travel costs will be added to the fee for the companionship time agreed between you and the agency. Additionally, you must cover all food, drink, activity and hotel fees and/or costs for hotel, etc. while model is your guest.
How do you guarantee my privacy?
Privacy and discretion is our #1 priority for everyone…particularly our clients. All correspondence is protected and ALWAYS kept 100% confidential. We do not keep records, and when your appointment is over, your details are destroyed. Your details are NEVER disclosed to a third party outside of the agency. Your right to privacy is guaranteed and the same is respectfully expected from you.
Why do we “hide” the faces of many of the models on our site?
Privacy and discretion for everyone is EXTREMELY important to us. The majority of our models have careers, school, and private lives that need to be respected and considered. Their choice to meet and spend time with you in an appointment does not create an obligation for them to share who they are to individuals and non-clients who enter our site.
What other costs am I responsible for during the time I am with my model?
You, as the client, are responsible for all costs associated during the entire duration of time with your model. These costs include, but are not limited to, accommodation fees associated with hotel/resort rooms and/or day fees, meals, excursions, drinks, clubs, taxis, gratuities, etc. YOUR MODEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY EXPENSES associated with your scheduled time together and/or while you are together…whether that time is for one hour or for “days”.
What is the refund policy?
ANY and ALL requests made by individuals for ANY TYPE of escortsrd.com agency services being performed OUTSIDE of the Dominican Republic OR ANY and ALL FULL day service or services performed for greater than one day INSIDE THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC where some level of prepayment is required (ie travel services, coordination, etc) WILL PAY an advance non-refundable contract deposit fee of 30% of all projected service costs provided by the agency. An email message outlining the services agreed between the agency and individual client will be sent by the agency to the individual client. Acceptance of the services, as outlined in the email, IS confirmed SOLELY ONCE PAYMENT iS RECEIVED by agency for the non-refundable amount equal to 30% of the entire service transaction as agreed by individual client to secretescortsdr agency. Any such payment will be made in the following way.
1). First, 30% (thirty percent) of TOTAL agreed cost of TOTAL transaction will be paid immediately to secretescortsdr agency by individual client upon agreement of services to be provided and paid through money gram, international wire or local bank transfer, cash, credit card, check, PAYPAL and/or WESTERN UNION.
2). Second, payment in the manner prescribed in #1 above constitutes A valid CONTRACT BETWEEN individual client and SecretsEscortsDR agency AND REPRESENTS “CONSIDERATION” between the agency and client for the agreed services to be rendered. Any changes requested by the client after agreement and paid “consideration” will be reviewed, at the sole discretion of the agency.
In its review, the agency makes NO promises to make any changes without additional fees.
3) Last, the only exception to the foregoing NON REFUND POLICY conditions is in the event the agency does not comply with, or is unable to comply with, the agreed contract/engagement with the client. For example, if the model you booked cancels in any manner,the original agreement between the agency and the client IS VOID. In that event, client will be refunded the entire initial 30% contract fee paid UNLESS client and agency reach an additional mutually agreeable contract and confirm such in writing.
Thank you!